Friday, December 31, 2010

God Grant Me..

After not blogging for over a month, you'd think that I would be bursting with things to say, but no..

For the last week I've been trying to think up a post, and I've got nothing. Maybe blogging is like studying, if you get out of the habit, its very hard to get back in..

But, since it's New Year's Eve, a year in review is in order (plus it means I don't have to be too creative).

In 2010:

  • I got married to my soul mate (technically this was 2009, but it was December, so it counts for 2010).

  • I discovered that doctors do not know everything.

  • I became the not so proud owner of 2 rat dogs.

  • I managed to keep my job.

  • I've more or less come to terms with my sister being evil.

  • I became an aunt, again.

  • I lost my best friend.

  • I found woman's best friend in the form of a floppy mess of a goldendoodle.

  • I found some old friends I thought I had lost.

  • I did not win the lottery on multiple occassions.

  • I ripped up carpet for the first time.

  • I learned to let go of my children, just a little.

  • I became addicted to blogging.

  • I did not kill any members of my family.

  • I had "the talk" with Oliver, several times.

  • I got my first credit card.

  • I decorated my first cake.

  • I went gambling for the first time.

  • I stretched my non-craftiness to the absolute limit with scrapbooking and party planning.

  • I've had to bend my beliefs and open my mind.

    But most of all, I've learned the importance of the serenity prayer.

                Saturday, December 18, 2010

                Things I Learned When I Wasn't Blogging

                I can't believe that its been almost a month since I posted anything.. I'm so sorry!!

                It's been so crazy around here!!

                I'm not fully back, because I still have a bunch of craziness to mess with, but I thought I would let y'all know I'm still alive, and post up a little randomness..

                • Doctors are stupid.
                • And just because Google says you should be prescribed a certain drug for whatever illness does not mean you actually will be.
                • Pharmacies and Insurance Companies are stupider. They have a really hard time understanding that normal people don't have an extra $400 lying around to spend on medication.
                • I still love Christmas, and now that all 7 of my trees are up (yes, 7 - though the way the kids count it, there's 10) I can't wait for next year when I get to buy new decorations.
                • Having been married to Bean for a year is a little odd. It feels like yesterday, but it also feels like we've been married forever. I don't really know how to describe it, but I like it.
                • Children are evil. They'll bully anyone that's different in any way, and when you add that fact in with Oliver's outstanding uniqueness, its a recipe for disaster.
                • School administrators are morons. And unless a parent throws a very large hissy fit, they don't pay attention to anything.
                • I'm pretty good at throwing hissy fits.
                • My sister is a bitch. My mother is a pushover. Combine those two things and you get a family gathering being hosted by me on Monday, when I have to work both Monday and Tuesday.
                • Tallulah needs a physical Christmas list so that she can't change her mind 55 times in the last two weeks leading up to Christmas. She also needs to note on said list exactly who she's telling she wants what. Especially when she's asking both Grandmas for $100 dolls.
                • Oliver should never be allowed to browse for cool things online. Especially when he actually gets money. He could bankrupt himself in a very short amount of time.
                • Cold weather makes Bean hurt. Alot.
                • I hate working with women. They throw little fits over the stupidest shit and then post it on facebook for the world to see.

                That about sums it up. I expect to be back a little next week, and then fully functional after Christmas.