Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!! About Fucking Time..

Boobies has this absoilutely amazing little meme on Fridays..

BWS tips button

It's an open invitation to give a big ole' fawk you out to whomever you'd like. (Except I don't fawk, I fuck.. If I don't watch my language for my kids, I'm not watching it for you, sorry.)

And the skanktastic Ms. CB has this one:

One Crazy Brunette Chick

Only if you don't follow her rules, she'll shove a stiletto up your ass, so beware.

My oh my.. this week did not really start off well and no doubt it will end the same way..

Though I am very excited that Connie's coming to visit this weekend. I heart her like you wouldn't believe.

And onto my bitching..

Fuck you all my favorite authors, especially Mr. Ihavetoomanymiddleinitials. Can't you guys get on some alternating writing schedule or something?? I have nothing to read, and when I do I'll have like 12 books, and then nothing again for like 2 years.

Fuck you Perry. Really?? Using Uncle Youhaven'ttalkedtoin8years's death to gain sympathy from people is pathetic. And rude. He was a really great guy and I get that you're sad, but I know you, and you're not sad in a hysterical "I have to go home right now or I'll breakdown in front of the kids way", you're sad in a moderately morose "I really should have gone to see him sometime and now I'll never be able to" way. Really, can't you be honest for once?? People might like you better if you were.

Fuck you again Perry. Really you can't trade weekends with me so that I can do a Halloween Party for the kids?? Of, course you can come id you really want, but the kids are friends with my friends' kids and Alien is going to be there and you can't stand him. So fine, have it your weekend, but I don't want to hear you bitching.

Fuck you people who got mad at me for not calling them when Bean was in the hospital. It wasn't really that serious and honestly, if you're not Mom & Dad Bean then really it wasn't any of your business if Bean and I didn't choose to make it so. Plus, if you'd asked to be on my real Facebook friends list, then you would have known, but you didn't, so shut the hell up.

Fuck you microfiches. I barely remember you, and now I know why - I have blocked out another bad memory, which I am very good at, thank you.

That's about it.. Mostly just some minor irritants..

How's your week?? Do you have any fuck you's to give out??


Copyboy said...

Boy that Perry is certainly on your S-list...For good reason.

The Random Blogette said...

I hate when relatives get upset because you don't tell them about certain situations. I have had the same issues before. If it was really important you would've told them.

Judie said...

Yeah, FUCK YOU, PERRY!! He needed one more.

The Bipolar Diva said...

you need us to go take care of Perry?

Crazy Brunette said...

I don't FAWK either... I definitely FUCK...

This is why I love you!

Kelly said...

hey I fuck too!!

you, me , CB all fuck...hmmmmm...;) the possibilities!! just saying!

anyways chickie you should come check out the newest Monday hop :)