Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In the Sense of the Word

I had an epiphany yesterday.

I'm fucking annoying. And not in the mildly obnoxious sense of the word, but in the "wow, I want to stab that woman in the eye with a spoon" sense of the word.


I was talking to this bitch at work (and I mean that in the, she's a bitch, not she's a woman & I'm being a bitch sense of that word), and I realized that I say "so" ALOT.

I mean I've noticed it in my blogging, and it might scare you to know that I edit out a good 2/3 of my "so's", but there's still an ass load of them. But I had never noticed how much I say "so" when I talk. It's like this:

Bitch: How's it going in your office?

Me: Well, they can't make up their minds about anything, so.....

Bitch: I know how that is. Are there any other women down there?

Me: There's just Ms. Man, but she doesn't really count, so.....

Bitch: I know it's hard to get along with all the different personalities

Me: Oh yeah, but with women it's even worse, I won't let Anal Boss hire women anymore, so.........

Obviously that's a seriously edited conversation, but I shit you not, it was like every single fucking sentence had a "so" on the end. I was ready to gouge my OWN eye out with a spoon!!

I've never noticed it before, but yesterday it was like Pee-Wee's Playhouse, and everytime I said it there were flashing lights and sirens - because it was the fucking word of the day!!


KLZ said...


I miss PeeWee's Playhouse sometimes. That chair that talked really got me.

cathyjoy said...

LMFAO! So... I usually start a sentence with "so" instead of ending one with it. perhaps we were separated at birth or somethin'.

Jennifer Juniper said...

When I write its at the beginning, but when I talk its at the end, its like a floating so......

Candance said...

Totally use so all the damn time. I have to edit it, too-until I get tired from all the editing and then I just embrace it.

Anonymous said...

So - I catch myself saying the same phrases or words over too. See what I mean..lol.

The "so" doesnt bother me as bad as "you know" or ( and Ive heard this A LOT since Ive moved here ) "and everything" ERRRRR. That particular one makes me stabby

Marlene said...

Gouging your eye out with a RUSTY spoon is SO much more fun.

Christy said...

MTTN!!!! (milk thru the nose - much funnier than LOL) I am like that many days too!

Cari said...

I always start my sentences with "So," It bugs the living daylights out of my boyfriend. LOL

Unknown said...

i have this weird thing with sniffing...in, out, whatever. and if *i* notice it and chastise myself inside my head i can only imagine what other people think of me.

this is why the internet is awesome.

perceived perfection;)
